Withdraw Funds to Bank (Off-Ramp)

Offramping is currently available from USDC / USDT to USD, EUR, COP, ARS, CAD, AED, AUD, CHF, GBP, HKD, MYR, NZD, PHP, PLN, and THB. For USDC / USDT to USD, we currently do not support businesses and individuals with a primary address in NY, LA, FL or AK due to licensing restrictions.

Have other fiat currencies you are interested in seeing support for? Let us know at [email protected]

The Withdraw flow allows Org Owners to off-ramp funds from Mural directly to Bank Accounts. Before you start, an Org Owner needs to:

Initiate Withdraw

  1. Access the withdraw flow under the Move Money button in the top navigation, or from within a specific Account.

  1. Follow the steps to choose a withdraw currency and enter a desired withdraw amount. Review your withdraw request before hitting the Submit button. Once a withdrawal is initiated, it cannot be edited (if necessary, you can delete and submit a new withdrawal).

  1. After a withdrawal is submitted, it will appear in the Actions tab, where you will need to meet the approval threshold of the account you are withdrawing from.

Track a Withdraw

Like a payment, a withdraw transaction will be moved to Transactions tab once it is approved and you pressed Send Now. You can track the processing status of a withdraw in the side panel.

Mural will process the transaction instantly, but the withdrawal takes 1-3 business days to show up in the receiving bank, depending on the currency and withdraw method.

Last updated