Organization Settings

To make changes to your Organization, you can visit the Organization settings by clicking the Settings tab in the left bottom corner.

Only Users with the "Owner" role have the ability to access / edit the Organization settings.


The General setting tab provides information about the Organization (name, description) and Tag configurations. Mural comes with a default set of transaction tags, but you can add / remove tags specific to your financial tracking here.


The Members tab is where Organization Owners can add other team members to the platform. Click on the Invite members button to add emails from those you wish to invite to the platform.

Invited users will receive an email from [email protected] with a link to access the Mural Organization.

By default, newly added users will be given the Member role. For more details on User Roles, see the documentation here.


The Currencies tab in Organization settings allows you to configure which currencies are enabled for your organization. Enabled tokens can be used for payments and will have their transaction history synced across your managed Accounts.

By default, new Mural Organizations have USDC enabled. We can support any ERC20 token, so if your organizations uses currencies that are not available, please reach out to [email protected] and we can enable them.


The Billing tab in Organization settings allows you to set up and manage your Mural subscription for your organization.

  • If you are choosing your Mural subscription for the first time, you will click Subscribe under the plan that fits your use case best; from there, you will follow Stripe's instructions and confirm your billing details.

  • If you are setting up your payment method for an existing Mural subscription, you should find the details of your subscription and then click on Manage your billing. From there, you will follow the instructions provided by Stripe and confirm your billing details.

If any of the details of your Subscription look incorrect or if you are having trouble setting up your billing, please reach out to [email protected].

Last updated